RELEASE 123: (12.05.2015)

  • The following EPD entries has been remapped:
    • EP77365 from EMBL nucleotide sequence AE013559.4 to AE013599.5
    • EP77871 from EMBL nucleotide sequence AE013559.4 to AE013599.5
    • EP78782 from EMBL nucleotide sequence AE013559.4 to AE013599.5
  • SE line for entry EP11074 has been changed from tcggtccgccaactgtcgtataaaggcgctgcctcaggtcagaggcctcACAAAGCGTTG to tcggtccgccaactgtcgtataaaggcgctgcctcaggccagaggcctcACAAAGCGTTG

RELEASE 115: (17.06.2013)
* Updated DR lines with new nucleotide sequences
* Changed SE line to match the genome sequence for the following EPD entries:
- SE line for EP11074 has been changed from tcggtccgccaactgtcgtataaaggcgctgcctcaggtcagaggcctcACAAAGCGTTG to tcggtccgccaactgtcgtataaaggcgctgcctcaggccagaggcctcACAAAGCGTTG

RELEASE 107: (06.05.2011)
* Deleted DR lines linking to dead EMBL sequences
* Remapped entries to the genome that previously deleted from EPD. EP66005 (DM_POL4_B) and EP66006 (DM_POL4_C) are now again part of the collection
* Changed SE line to match the genome sequence for the following EPD entries:
- EP24015 SE line to gtcataagcattgtagtataaataagaagctccgcccatcgtccaaatcATACCTTTCTC
- EP07003 SE line to aaatttatatgagatctcacctatataaatagcgcccaaatcagtagttAATCCATCACC
- EP14003 SE line to aagagatcattccacggcagctataaatagccccatagcatgacgatcaTCCTTCCTCAT
- EP14004 SE line to agagatcatgccatgacagctataaataggcccgcatcgatgatgatcaTCCTTCCTCAT
- EP35003 SE line to caaatcttatcaaaaatcccataatgttttcatttctttacaagtgatcAACAAAACACC
- EP16008 SE line to cggccttgtcctcacacgatacacacacatataaatagggcgaaaactcAATAGTTAACT
- EP58017 SE line to gcatgctgcagcacactataaatacctggccagacacacaagctgaatgCATCAGTTCTC
- EP11006 SE line to agctaccactatataaatcagggctcattttctcgctcctcacaggctcGTCTCGCTTTG
- EP35051 SE line to cctcccgcttcgctataaaaatcgcccgcttcccccgtcgtccgcttcaATCTATGCGGG
- EP07016 SE line to taataaccccttatcgatttaaagaaataatccgcataagcccccgcttAAAAAATTGGT
- EP11014 SE line to tgtcaatttcagttgcatctataaaaagggtaacggagaagccatagtcACTCTCGCAAT
- EP11015 SE line to gtcaattaaacacactggtataaatagaaacgctggaaagggaataatcACTCTCGCAAT
- EP28012 SE line to tgatcaaacttcgttttcgtataaaacgcgttggcccaaccactttggcATAGTCGTCTT
- EP25058 SE line to accacgaccctccgctgctatataaggtggattttctgtagttggaaacATTCTAGATCA
- EP25072 SE line to gataaggcaaatagttgtgtataaaagctgaagcagctcaagtgaactcATTCTGAAGTC
- EP15010 SE line to ctatctggaatctgagctatataagccagagatggggctgaaggaagccATCAAACGTCG
- EP47005 SE line to cattttttctatttcgaattcagaggctgtttgctttattcaatttcagATGGATTTCAG
- EP47006 SE line to attcgccgccactttctgcctttctctgcttttccgctgctttttgcggCAGTGTAGTGC
- EP23030 SE line to tgctaaatcggtaaacttttataaaagacaatttttgtgaaatctctctACCTCAAAGTA
- EP24009 SE line to tctcgcgttaactctccccgacgtcggcgctgcgattccgaagtagtcaACTAATTCAGT
- EP11041 SE line to aatgcgagtgcacgggggcttatacaccggagcttgcgatgcgagcactAGTGTTCGTGC
- EP70004 SE line to tcaagctggctgttcgcctataaaagctctcgccttttgtatcgcagtcATCAGTCGCTC
- EP07027 SE line to ttcctctctgccaagagtataaatagccaccggttggacactgcgctctCAGTTCAAAAA
- EP07028 SE line to tacgatagcgagcggttgtataaataaccggcactttcgtgcaaccggcGTCAGTTGAAT
- EP07031 SE line to tcccctcccggcgactgagtataaatacgggcgcaaatttcccagacgcTACATTTGAAA
- EP78829 SE line to gtacgtatgctatcatgctgcattgtgaaatcaataaaccaaagtcagaGTGAGGCGGTG
- EP78846 SE line to cctccacacaatattgcgtgactttacgtgggcccctgaaattggctttGATCTGGCACT
- EP11051 SE line to aaggctccagtcgggggtataaaagacccagtttcggtgcagtcaagacAACAGACTTTA
- EP07020 SE line to tatgtaatcatataaattctataataaacaaagaaacaaaactagttgtAAAACAAACAC
- EP15022 SE line to cggagaaaaaaaacttcatataaaacgcggccgacatattatggccaccAGTCGTTACCG
- EP66004 SE line to tcaactgcaacaccagcaccacgacctactcacagcaaaaaacgtacaaGAAGGAAAGAA
- EP17018 SE line to cggattagcctaagtccaaatatattaaaaactgtaaaatcggagagacTCTGTAGACGT
- EP11057 SE line to cccacgtacgcaacaatgccttatattgagcgttgccgagccgatggttATTCNNNNNNN
- EP07043 SE line to caagtccgcaatggtgtaacaatactcgctgcaatccggttgaggcatcATTCGCCTAGC
- EP24006 SE line to ttgggggtctttgtccaaggaaggggtagtacattacttggtcccccacAGTATCATTTC
- EP17029 SE line to agagtgtagcggcgacgggtgatgagccggggccgggcagtgggaaagcATACTTACCTG
- EP17031 SE line to taaagagtgaggcgtatgaggctgtgtcggggcagagcccgaagatctcATACTTACCTG
- EP17041 SE line to aatggtagtcatcatccgtgggggagcggggcgcgaacagaacctttccAGCTTTGCGCA
- EP27003 SE line to tcagcgcccgctgcgctgctataaatgggagcgccgcggcctccgcctgTAGAGCTGTTC
- EP48019 SE line to caatcacggcgcagctccgccctatataaacgggcgggcgcagcgccgcGGCCCGAGTCC
- EP49013 SE line to tcacagcgcgccctgctctatataagcgccccccccccccgcacgccccCACTACCCCAT
- EP49001 SE line to tcacagcgcgccctaccctatataaggccccgaggccgcccgggtgtttCATGCTTTTCG
- EP30042 SE line to tcacagggcagcgccggcttatataagcccggggcccgagcatagcagcAACGCAAAACC
- EP23007 SE line to gcgtccagccttgactatatatactatgcgtataccgtttttgcttcttACTGCGGTGGT
- EP33016 SE line to catttgcatagaggggctataaataaatgcctacgaccgtttcgtttccATTCAGCGTCT
- EP23008 SE line to catagccgtaagtttgtttaaaatgcagccagaacagtcattaacttttAGTTATCCTTT
- EP23009 SE line to ctatttgcataacagcgtgtatatagggcgttcacttcgcctcctctatACAGACAAATT
- EP11071 SE line to gcgtgtgcgaacgcaagcgtacttaaaggccaaagtgcgctacttaggtATCTCACTTTT
- EP49015 SE line to gcgtgtgcgaacgcaagcgtacttaaaggccaaagtgcgctacttaggtATCTCACTTTT
- EP11072 SE line to atcaggagcatgttccttctataaaaggaacccagaacctaacctctgcATTTCCTATTT
- EP49014 SE line to atcaggagcatgttccttctataaaaggaacccagaacctaacctctgcATTTCCTATTT
- EP11074 SE line to tcggtccgccaactgtcgtataaaggcgctgcctcaggccagaggcctcACAAAGCGTTG
- EP31008 SE line to ggcgccgctggcgctgctgggatggggggggcggtttccctgcgcagcgCCTGGCGGTGA
- EP33026 SE line to ggcccaactatataaccaggggctgccagggcctctgtgaagctgggtcTGCCAGAAGAG
- EP28006 SE line to accaggaccctgcccgggtctatataagaggccgggaagtcggcccctgTCACAGCCCAC
- EP41005 SE line to ggccgggcgggcccgaggagccgctgttcagcgctaacccgacccccgcTCCTCCTGTCT
- EP24040 SE line to tacttccgggacacggaagtgacccccgtcgctccgccccctcccactcTCTCTTTCCGG
- EP14030 SE line to gaccgaggggtctggggcgtcccggctgggccccgtgtctgtgcgcacgGTTTCGCTGAT
- EP14031 SE line to aggcgggcagggagggtatataagcgttggcggagcgtcggttgtagcaCTCTGCGCGCC
- EP07060 SE line to gagagagctccaggactatataaaaacctgagctagggacaggcggtcaCACGGACGTGA
- EP11078 SE line to ggccccgccgggggctataaagcggcagcttcgcgccccgccggcacccAGGCGCTCCTC
- EP07064 SE line to ggcaatgccgtcagcgctgccagataaataaggggaagaaaggccaggaAAGCAGGACCA
- EP24038 SE line to atatgaggtcagtttgcccagaaataaaaggaagccaccgagaggtaggACTCCACTCAG
- EP25018 SE line to ggcgcggcccctccccggctcttaggcggcgctgcggggcggggggcgcAGTGCCGGTGG
- EP25019 SE line to gctccgcccggcttctccccgccttttaggcgcccgcgctgctgggacaTCACAGTCCCT
- EP15026 SE line to aaggagagcggaccgggaggttggcggaaacgcggagaccttctgaagcTCTGGGCCAGA
- EP15027 SE line to gttaagcagggccactcagagccagaggaagagagaagcaaactgaagaCCTGTGCAGGA
- EP16035 SE line to tcccctggggctggcctcttcttttataaagggccttcgctgggcgctgTCCCACCGTCT
- EP25002 SE line to gggcggggcggcgcggcgcggcgcggggcggcggcgccccataagagggGCCCCGGGGTG
- EP26019 SE line to tgcgtcaggagcctcccggcgtataaataggggtggcagaacggcgccgAGCCGCACACA
- EP07067 SE line to cccagctctccatcaagatggtataaaaggggcccaggccagtcgtcggAGCAGACGGGA
- EP07066 SE line to cgggaccctcctgcggtataaatacggcggagcggggcttgattaatttAGCATCCCGGG
- EP60004 SE line to ctcacacacgcacacacacacacactctcacactcgcccagagacaaacTTAAGGTGAGG
- EP07085 SE line to cagccagggcagctcctctataaaaggggaagaaagaggctccgcagccATCACAGACCC
- EP30018 SE line to cctgcccacacacatatataggtcagggaagaagacctggacacccagaCNNNNNNNNNN
- EP17051 SE line to ggaagtgggtctcaaccactataaatcctctctgtgcccgtccggagctGGTGAGGACAG
- EP07081 SE line to agcagtcagtaaaaggtatataagaaaatgatttcccttcaatcatcctAGCATTTTTGA
- EP16043 SE line to tgggttggaaggagggggtataaaagccccttcaccaggagaagccgtcACACAGATCCA
- EP14039 SE line to ctccattagtggagtgacagtatatatagatatcctcggccacatctccTCAGCAAAGGA
- EP11089 SE line to gtcttcctcctgtgggtcctttaaatgcatcccagacactcagacagccATCAGTCACTT
- EP14040 SE line to gtcttcctcctgtgggtcctttaaatgcatctcagacactcaggctaccATCAGTCATCA
- EP07091 SE line to gccagggggccagaggccttcttcataaataaaagcaggtgaagtgagtGGGATCCACAT
- EP27014 SE line to atgcccttcccacaccttgttataaaagtcactgcactctccagccaccAGTTAGCTCTT
- EP07078 SE line to gtgtgactcagcatggccatataaagcaaggccaacaactcaaaggaacAGCNNNNNNNN
- EP07075 SE line to ggaggggcccggcggagcggataaaagtggggacacagacggccgctcaCCAGCGTGCTA
- EP14044 SE line to caggagccagggctgggcataaaagtcagggcagagccatctattgcttACATTTGCTTC
- EP11106 SE line to caggaggcagggctgggcataaaaggaagagctgggccagctgctgcttACACTTGCTTC
- EP25042 SE line to gtgggtgagagataactctgtttatggggcacccggtcggagcagggcaAGGGGGTGGGG
- EP07056 SE line to ggggcggggcctcgcctgcacaaatggggacgaggggggcggggcggccACAATTTCGCG
- EP25035 SE line to ctcgtgattggccagcacgccgtggtttaaagcggtcggcgcgggaaccAGGGGCTTACT
- EP15032 SE line to ccggaaggcggggtctctctgtgggcgtagcgtgggcggggctgtgccgGGGCAGCCCGG
- EP29019 SE line to tcgctccaggcgcagggccgctctagccacgcccagggaagtcactgtcCTCACCTTTTA
- EP59004 SE line to aactgggcaaagcctatttccactctgagctgcacaatatgattgtttcGAGAGTATCCA
- EP14048 SE line to tgcgcggagccggcagggctatataagggcggcggccgggagtcggggcGCTGTTCGCTT
- EP33012 SE line to gccgtgtctccagccgaacctttgcgggccagccccgcgttctctcccaGAGTCTGTTCC
- EP17062 SE line to cctgcagagggcggggcggcgcctttaaatgtccggggccccgcctcccGTCCCCCCCAC
- EP30015 SE line to cggggcgctgcctccgtgtctataaagggcggcggcgcggcactgcgccACCTTCTCACT
- EP14050 SE line to tgacgtcagcgcggagcttccatttaaggccccgcccgcgtgctgctctGCGTGCTGGAG
- EP16053 SE line to cttgaggaccctaggggacataaaaagagcctcagggtaggcaagcttcACTCACTCCCT
- EP29005 SE line to agctgctgataagaggcgtataaagagggttccgctcatggcaaggggcAGTGGTCTACT
- EP25023 SE line to tgtgggggagaatgagggtttttaaaggctccccaggagcctctacagcTCCAAGATCAC
- EP14053 SE line to gccagggctggggcgagtcctaatatagagcctgcactgcgggcttaggAGCANNNNNNN
- EP29013 SE line to gccaagggaaggcagtggtttccaaaggacaccagggtggtggtgcccaGTCCATCATAG
- EP30087 SE line to nnnnnnnnnncttcttacaggaatataaatagtttctggaaaggacactGACAACTTCAA
- EP26004 SE line to gggtaagaattgtcaccttactaaagtagcgtgcacactcctctggagcTGGACTGGGAG
- EP30001 SE line to ggtaagaattgtcacagtattaaagtggcgtgcacactcctctggagctGGAGTTGGGAG
- EP68001 SE line to cgaagttggcgggagcctataaaagctggtgccggcgcgacccgcggacACACAGTGCAG
- EP07101 SE line to ccccaccatggcagtggccaggcataaaaaggtcggtctgggctggagaAACCATCACCG
- EP29009 SE line to cccgggcgggccccgcaagtatataaagacggcggagagcgagtgggacAAGACGGCGCG
- EP11129 SE line to tggactgtggtgcaggaaagcctcaagtagaggagggttgaggcttcaaTCCAGCACTTT
- EP30075 SE line to acccccacaacccgcaggtataaagccaggtgcccaaggtagggaaggtATCAAGAATGG
- EP11128 SE line to gtctcaaggggccctacagacttacctggaacatctccatccttggtgcCTCCCCTGCTG
- EP11127 SE line to ccgcccccacaaccccgaggtatatagccagatacacgaggcaggggatGCACCAAGGAT
- EP30070 SE line to aggggaattatcccgaagggtataaaatgaacagagtctgggtcatcacAGCATTAACTC
- EP24029 SE line to agataggcggggcccttactggtgggaaagaaggtaagaagactcagatGGGACACTGCT
- EP11131 SE line to cagagaggaggtgctttggactataaagctagtggagacccagtaactcCCAACCCTAAG
- EP17070 SE line to cagggggggggtgctttggactataaagctagtggggattcagtaacccCCAGCCCTAAG
- EP17072 SE line to ctgggccgcgggctggcgcgactataagagccgggcgtgggcgcccgcaGTTCGCCTGCT
- EP36006 SE line to ccatccccacccctcagctataaatagggcatcgtgacccggccgggggAAGAAGCTGCC
- EP11133 SE line to cttctcaaagagctggggggctataaaaacgggagatgctggcagctagGAGACAGTGAC
- EP17075 SE line to gaaacttgtatttgtccctatttaagagagatgtacacagcaggctctcAGAGAACCTGT
- EP07112 SE line to tagagagaggaccatctcatataaataggccatacccatggagaaaggaCATTCTAACTG
- EP15039 SE line to ttggtttcagcaactttaactctatatatagagagacctctgccagcatTGCATTGTTAG
- EP17083 SE line to ggcctccatggggttatgtataaaggcccccctagagctgggccccaaaACAGCCCGGAG
- EP36013 SE line to ccgccctcttccccaagggctataaaggcggccgtctgcacagccagccAGCAGAAGCTC
- EP15043 SE line to gtccctcctcctcccgccctgcctcccgcgcctcggcccgcgcgagctaGACGTCCGGGC
- EP15044 SE line to cccccgcacggtgtgagcgcccgacgcggccgaggcggccggagtcccgAGCTAGCCCCG
- EP15045 SE line to cttgttggaatgcagttggagggggcgagctgggagcgcgcttgctcccAATCACAGGAG
- EP49022 SE line to ggagccctccggaggaggcaggaagtcagggtgggacgtgggcgcggggAGACAGGTGGT
- EP25082 SE line to ttagggaggggaggtcacttcataagggcctggggggggagttggagccACGAGTCGTCC
- EP25084 SE line to tttgtggggtgggaggatcacctataagaggactcagaggggggtgtggGGCATCCATGN
- EP29022 SE line to aggaagaagggaaaggaactgggatgaaggcagcaatcttcagccatgcTCCCAAACTTC
- EP16061 SE line to aatccccgcccacccgccctttataatccgggggtctgcacggctaaggACCCCCGGGCT
- EP15049 SE line to gacggacgggcgcggggcggagcggggcggggcgagcgcgggcccggccAAGTCCCCGCC
- EP26032 SE line to ggggcgggcctggcgggcgccctctccgggccctttgttaacaggcgcgTCCCGGCCAGG
- EP71003 SE line to tgcctgtctgcattctactatataaagcagcagagacgttgactagcgcATATTTGCTAA
- EP37011 SE line to cccggccccgtctcctgactataaaaacagccgctggctgttgggctccACTCCGCCTTC
- EP17088 SE line to gcgggtctccgtgacgacttataaaagcccaggggcaagcggtccggatAACGGCTAGCC
- EP25050 SE line to cccctctccctacggacacatataagaccctggtcacacctgggagaggAGGAGAGGAGA
- EP07115 SE line to agcagccctcaggcagaggataaaagctcacactaagctgagaagctccATCCTCTTCTC
- EP07116 SE line to aattaggccaccctcatcacatgaaaaccagcccagagtgactctagcaGTGGATCCTGT
- EP14074 SE line to catggtaaatatagggttgtctataccacacacagaaaaacatgagatcACAGTTCTCTC
- EP11151 SE line to catgtgagactgtgatgattaatatagggaaatccacaccaaacatcatATGAGCCCTAT
- EP14072 SE line to atcatgagactgtgattataaatacatgcatatccacaccaaacaacatATGAACACTGT
- EP07119 SE line to agcccagctgctcatgatttataaaccaggtctttgcagtgagatatgaAATGCATCACA
- EP11156 SE line to aatcagcgtcgccgcggacgctggttataaagtccacgcaacccgcgggACTCAGACACC
- EP17095 SE line to atcagcgacgcagaggtctcaaagtacgaagtcaacaggaatagtcctcATTCAGGTTCC
- EP16068 SE line to ctgccactcacggaaacatccacaggtttttattctttctgccaggtacATCAGATCCAT
- EP07093 SE line to gaccagagaggagagccatataaagagccagcggctacagccccagctcGCCTCTGCCCA
- EP73074 SE line to cgtaggaggcggtccagactataaaagcggctgccggaaagcggccggcACCTCATTCAT
- EP73151 SE line to ccccctccccccccaatctgtctttctagcatgttgccctttttcaaccACATTTGTGTT
- EP73214 SE line to ctcctcctctcgcgagaggcgcaaggcgtggagtcgacggctggagagaAGCCGGGAGCG
- EP73348 SE line to tgttgcacgtctagggcctttggggaacgaggtcggccccagcgcaggcGCGGTGGCGCG
- EP73391 SE line to cggggcggggcgcggcgtatataaggctaggggcgggcgccgctcttttGTTTCTTGCTG
- EP73489 SE line to ttccggtggctcagctccccccgcccacccgggcccggacacgctgagcACACTGGAAGG
- EP73522 SE line to gcgtcgccgcggtcccagttctaaagtccccacgcacccacccggactcAGAGTCTCCTC
- EP73606 SE line to ttctgccgacctcacgggctatttaaaggtacgcgccgcggccaaggccGCACCGTACTG
- EP73703 SE line to ccgccgcctcctgacgccgggcgtgacgtcaccacgcccggcggccgccATTACAGAGAG
- EP73738 SE line to gaaatcagtaacttcctccctataacttggaatgtgggtggaggggttcATAGTTCTCCC
- EP73972 SE line to tctataaaaggcgcccgaagcgggggcgcgcgccccagagacgtgaactGTCGTTGCAGA
- EP73978 SE line to tgcagcggggcgggcgaaggaaggcaggggggaagggacagtcggccgcAGACCGCGCTG
- EP74009 SE line to ccgacgcgttccgccttccccagctgtgcactctccatccagctgtgcgCTCTCGTCGGG
- EP74201 SE line to gaaacttaaaggaggccggagctgtggggagctcagagctgagatcctaCAGGAGTCCAG
- EP74327 SE line to cgacggcctgacgtcggcggagggaagccggcccaggctcggtgaggagGCAAGGTAAGA
- EP15055 SE line to gacgcaacactcgttgcataaatttgcgctccgccagcccggagcatttAGGGGCGGTTG
- EP25038 SE line to aaccagaggccacttgtatatataggtctcttcagcatttattggtggcAGAAGAGGAAG
- EP35004 SE line to ttctgggcggggccaccccagttagaaaaagcccgggctaggaccgaggAGCAGGGTGAG
- EP36011 SE line to cacgcccccaggccgccccataaaaggagaaagctcctgctgcgggccaCAGCCTGACTT
- EP28011 SE line to ttccagcgcgcgcccggggcggcggcgcgcggcggggggtggttggggtGCGCGCCGGCC
- EP30023 SE line to gtgctggtgctgaaaacatgctacaaattagcctacggaaatggttcaaTCCGTAGGGTG
- EP17102 SE line to gcgtctggcgccggcgctcccgcccgtccgctcttccctccgccccccgACCCGAACCCT
- EP11172 SE line to agacgaagctatgcacgattatataagctgttgccaccatcaaataaacGCCATTTTACC
- EP15061 SE line to ggaccgaaaacggtgtatataaaagatgtgagaaacacaccacaataccATGGCGCGCTT
- EP07167 SE line to gttttttttagtattaagcagaggccgggggcccctggcctccccttacTCTGGAGAAAA
- EP11214 SE line to ggatgtcgcacggccagctgcggtcagctagtgacttcctgcttaactgACTTGACATTT

RELEASE 105: (11.11.2010)

RELEASE 104: (01.07.2010)

RELEASE 100: (29.06.09)
* adaptations to 3-digit release numbers

RELEASE 99: (23.03.09)
* non-successive numbering of EPD releases due to unscheduled EMBL RELEASE 98 (26-JAN-2009)

RELEASE 97: (14.01.09)

RELEASE 96: (23.09.08)

RELEASE 95: (4.07.08)

RELEASE 94: (14.05.08)
* move to new automated updating procedure

RELEASE 93: (14.01.08)
* new URLs to Gramene genome viewer in HTML and NICE-view of EPD entries

RELEASE 92: (27.09.07)
* positions in EPD updated to latest genome assemblies of mouse and arabidopsis

RELEASE 91: (02.07.07)
* positions in EPD updated to latest rice and C. elegans genomes
* new page informing about genome releases currently used in EPD
* new URLs to PlantGDB genome viewer in HTML and NICE-view of EPD entries (PlantGDB can be slow)
* adjustment of xml-format of EPD

RELEASE 90: (24.04.07)
* Correction of an error in indexes of a subset of chromosome sequences: a subset of mainly Drosophila promoter sequences provided in earlier releases has been erroneously shifted by 1bp
* EPD entries of Arabidopsis thaliana, Bos taurus, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, Gallus gallus, Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Oryza sativa, Pan troglodytes, and of Rattus norvegicus are now routinely mapped to the corresponding whole genome assembly, and
where possible, promoter sequences are extracted from whole genome assemblies.
discontinuation of promoter sequences in EMBL format (*.blk) and their index (*_blk.idx) on ftp repository.

RELEASE 89: (22.01.07)
* change to chromosomal genome coordinates in FP line of EPD entries of additional species (Gallus gallus, Bos taurus, Pan troglodytes)
* discontinuation of machine readable formats (epd88.old, epd88.asn, epd88.bin, epd88.inp) on ftp repository
* Removal of promoter entries: EP77039 (DM_H3), EP78825 (DM_H2B), EP66005 (DM_POL4_B), and EP66006 (DM_POL4_C) due to the removal of corresponding sequence entries from the EMBL sequence database and the impossibility to map the sequences of this hi-copy genes (histones and retrotransposons) unequivocally to current genome assemblies.
* a
nnouncement of discontinuation of promoter sequences in EMBL format (*.blk) and their index (*_blk.idx) on ftp repository. Promoter sequences in fasta format (*.seq) keep being provided.

RELEASE 88: (29.09.06)
* Changes in FP and DR EMBL lines as announced below
* Announcement of discontinuation of machine readable formats (epd88.old, epd88.asn, epd88.bin, epd88.inp) on ftp repository in upcoming EPD release 89

RELEASE 87: (29.06.06)
* Announcement of format changes in upcoming EPD release 88:
    - change to chromosomal genome coordinates for EPD entries of species with complete genome information
    - extension of FP line to 80 characters to accomodate larger sequence accession numbers and positions
            new format:
                pos.  1-30  miscellaneous fields (see EPD user manual)
                pos. 31-51  sequence entry identifier
                pos. 52-52  topology
                pos. 53-53  strand
                pos. 54-63  position
                pos. 64-80  miscellaneous fields (see EPD user manual)
    - suppression of secondary entry identifier in DR   EMBL lines

RELEASE 86: (13.04.06)

RELEASE 85: (10.01.06)
* EPDEX links in EPD are replaced by links to CleanEx. As EPDEX was a subset of CleanEx, there is no change in the content.

RELEASE 84:(26.09.05)
* new feature to transfer results of EPD query directly to the Signal Search Analysis (SSA) server. Please note that this feature is currently only available for queries via the EPD home page, but not for queries via "Quick search" or via "Download promoter sequences".
* new hyperlinks to the Genome Browsers of ENSEMBL or of UCSC. These URLs are available in the GENOME line of html and "niceview" displays of EPD entries of human, mouse, rat, and drosophila. They enable the display of positions of transcription start sites in EPD. In ENSEMBL, the TSS is presently represented as red box with length 5bp, and the downstream end as open box. The URL to UCSC Genome Browser not available for rat due to their use of an older rat genome assembly 3.1 (June 2003).

 RELEASE 83:(14.07.05)
* introduction of new file 'epd_bulk.dat' containing 13046 entries of the data class 'preliminary' in order to satisfy demand for a genome wide coverage. Promoter entries in this file are derived from full-length mRNA sequences generated by the oligocapping method. In contrast to  'standard' entries, preliminary entries are defined by 5'end positions of less than 10 full-length transcripts (for explanations see 16). Although these entries do not meet the strict quality requirements of EPD in terms of gene annotation and precision of mapping of transcription initiation sites, preliminary quality control indicates a reasonable precision for use in the investigation of eukaryotic transcription signals. Entries in 'epd_bulk.dat' conform to the standard format of EPD entries with the exceptions outlined in paragraph 4.4 of the EPD user manual.
* the pointers to transcription start sites in 'epd_bulk.dat' will be updated at every new release of EMBL similar to the standard 'epd.dat' file. Individual entries might however be less stable.
* promoter sequences in the range of -9999 to +6000 bp relative to the transcription start site indicated in 'epd_bulk.dat' are newly available as files epd_bulk.blk (EMBL format) and epd_bulk.seq (fasta format) on the ftp site as well as included in the EPD search on the embnet BLAST server (Update 01-10-2016: the service in now not working anymore).

 RELEASE 82:(24.04.05)
* update of accession numbers and identifiers in DR SWISS-PROT lines to UniProt accession number system

 RELEASE 81:(17.12.04)
* Abbreviation of Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project in FL line corrected (BDPG -> BDGP)

 RELEASE 80: (14.09.04)
* Genome lines updated or introduced based on latest available genome builds
* Continuation of update of human EPD IDs based on approved gene symbols in the Genew database (HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee)

 RELEASE 79: (21.06.04)
* promoter sequence download enabled of segments in the range of -9999 to +10000 bp relative to the transcription start site
* files epd79.blk and epd79.seq (available on ftp site) now contain sequence data for all EPD promoter entries in the range of -9999 to +6000bp relative to
            the transcription initiation sites.
* entries EP73505 and EP73552 corrected

RELEASE 78: (17.03.04)
* Medline UI replaced by Pubmed ID in all entries in RX line

RELEASE 77_1: (11.02.04)
* intermediary release to fix problems with indexes
* removed entry EP78203, due to duplication with entry EP07023

RELEASE 77: (14.01.04)
* integration of 1813 new Drosophila promoter entries, based on sequence data provided by the Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project and the mapping
of transcript sequences onto the genome by the transcriptome
* introduction of a new "DR   GENOME"-line indicating the position of the promoter on the largest available RefSeq contig sequences (for human,
and fly entries)
* introduction of new crosslinks to the databases SPTREMBL, ensembl and transcriptome. These links are at the moment only available for fly
entries, but an extension to additional species is planned.
* uniform format of position indicators in DR lines

RELEASE 76: (23.09.03)

RELEASE 75: (1.07.03)
* extended query options for retrieving EPD entries and promoter sequences according
experiment and/or promoter type
* new links to EMBnet (BLAST EPD sequences in range -499 to 100bp) and to SSA
* EPD is now also provided as .xml file (/ftp/epd/views/)

RELEASE 74: (9.04.03)

RELEASE 73: (20.01.03)
* integration of 1601 human promoter sequences derived from NEDO/DBTSS (11) and MGC (12)
* the classification system in EPD is no longer maintained for the new entries
* change to official gene name approved by HUGO in ID of most human EPD entries (a similar procedure will eventually follow for other species)

Last update Oct. 2016